A Sunday in Mid-May

IMG_6140After Mass this morning, I found my way to the front of the church, to kneel before this wonderful, nostalgic, May image upon the side Altar.  How I remember in childhood, singing “O Mary, we crown thee with blossoms today….”  

Yesterday I thought I was going to my son’s house for a barbeque.  I was wondering why I got about 6 texts as I was driving over ‘Mom, you’re coming over, right?”  “Hi Momma, c’n if ur on ur way, Love you.”  Etc.  They decided we should go out to eat and off we went to the neighborhood Italian restaurant.  How happy I was to see that we were the family with three tables pushed up together, taking up one whole end of place.  I so often look at big families and wish it was mine.  Last night it was.  There was an older (than me) couple behind us who looked grumpy, unlike the younger me, I decided that could be their problem, not mine.  We had four children, two who are 2 and younger.  And my older grandchildren.  And my three children, and daughter in law.  We are not a quiet group.  Oh, how wonderful!

As I was running yesterday, I was thinking about the staff in my new department.  One is retiring, the other is so freaked out that her peer and her boss are both retiring, she is thinking of leaving.  Thinking about another woman who would be grateful for a job in the department – would she be good?  A good fit?  — and then I realized I have a whole different set of things to think about today.  Thank you God.

My most recent ex-husband called unexpectedly from Australia this morning.  I haven’t spoken to him for years.  His voice took me right back – first to how much I loved him.   Then to the bizarre behavior and the abuse.  We talked for an hour.  I am amazed to hear that there are some things I expressed to him 20+ years ago that he is still mulling over.  I am the only ex-wife who didn’t find a draconian way to exact revenge upon him.  I bet he thinks about that too.

I’m grateful.  It’s Mother’s Day and I have had a wonderful one.  It is the Feast of the Ascenscion of the Lord (celebrated in some areas on the following Sunday rather than the Thursday where I should be).  The sun is shining, the flowers are blooming, some tress have leaves on them.  So much is so different than it was a short couple of weeks ago.



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6 Responses to A Sunday in Mid-May

  1. Kelly says:

    I’m glad you were able to be that big family. I’m one of four girls in my family, so I don’t really know what it is like to be the small family. Happy Mother’s Day!

  2. Syd says:

    Sounds like a wonderful day for you and your family. I’m glad that you had such a good meal. It’s good that you have a large family to be around and love.

    • Unfortunately Syd, I have really lost sight of so many things in the last 16 months, and now the good things seem to be a shock to my system all over again. In a good way.

  3. Pammie says:

    I can just picture you all in my head! How wonderful. How lucky those of us are who have stayed sober long enough to really reap the benefits of families coming together and the precious grand children who never saw us drunk.

    • It really is wonderful. Long term sobriety is miraculous.

      I guess if you didn’t know us, you would just think “how nice.” If you knew what we had all been through, you would be choked up and amazed that we are all sitting together loving each other.

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